Northernmost point of Pearl Lagoon |
It is now the middle of November, and being from Canada I
find that hard to wrap my head around. I’m not accustomed to seeing 30+
temperatures and heavy rain this time of year. In any case we have begun the
campaign to distribute Kingdom news #38 here in Pearl Lagoon. The first day we
started with the northernmost point of Pearl Lagoon and worked our way south.
We received very good reception, although people were curious why we were
keeping our visits so short. It is not the custom here to simply stop by and
leave a tract without visiting for a little while.
After working about one block however it started to rain.
Not that that is unusual here, but since we were close to a bakery we decided
to stop for coffee and wait for the rain to pass. Its a small wooden house
across from the wharf which has a few tables inside. They prepare all sorts of
baked goods as well as the best coffee in town. If you’re one of those people
doesn't approve of coffee breaks I hope this stumbles you.
Our territory is almost exclusively English speaking,
however I still had the opportunity to practice my Spanish this month. I spent
the past week visiting some friends in Carazo (Thats the department south of
Managua, in the mountains on the pacific side of the country).
Each time I go to Rama I like it a little bit more. This time I came across some nice little restaurants that were also very affordable. After spending the night I left at 3:00AM the next morning on the express bus to Managua. To my delight there was a small stand set up by the bus selling coffee and bread. Once In Managua I took a taxi from the “Gran Mayoreo” terminal to “La Uca” which is the terminal for the buses going to Jinotepe. It took one hour to get from Managua to Jinotepe, and then one more short taxi ride to Dolores where I was staying. By the time I was at my final destination it was 10:30AM Tuesday.
El Rama, RAAS |
I made sure to get out in service while there, and
the simplicity of the tract made it easy to string together a presentation in
Spanish. Our brothers on the Pacific have plenty of territory to work as well,
so I got to see some of their more distant territories out in the country.
Cruz Verde, near Sta. Teresa, Carazo |
Mountains near Sta. Teresa, Carazo |
And of course, there’s always time for recreation. Not far
from Jinotepe is a well known beach called La Boquita. The bus ride only costs
19 cordobas(less than $1) per person. The water was warm, with plenty of big
waves, Too bad I don’t surf. I still can’t believe that this is November. Here I am sitting on a hot sunny beach enjoying the
ocean breeze... when back home its -20. I had to make a lot of sacrifices to
come here, but there are plenty of blessings that more than make up for it.
La Boquita |
Quesillo - on the bus to Rama |
The trip back took 3 buses, 1 taxi, and 2 trucks. It turns out the bus from Rama to Pearl Lagoon only goes in the evening, and since I was
going in the morning, I went in the back of a truck from Rama to Kukra Hill,
and then another truck to Pearl Lagoon. Don’t worry, I wasn’t hitchhiking.
These are actually official public transportation vehicles.
Passenger Trucks in Kukra Hill |